Wednesday, December 13, 2017

More Sega Master System Goodness

 So I done did it. I bought more SMS games. Is this really a surprise? Probably not. I guess I know what I'll be doing tonight!

On a side note, many of these games had price stickers on the outside. Michael Jackson's Moonwalker had a price of $149.99 on it. I'm going to leave that one there :D

Tuesday, December 12, 2017

It's Time!

I completely forgot about this until just now... Time for Tetris Friends!

EDIT: My friend name is ninjistar.  Let's not pretend like we had better things to do today than this!

Saturday, December 9, 2017

First Impressions

I've been playing a lot of new games lately. When I say new games, I mean old games that are new to me. Not games that are actually new. Well, some of them might be, but not right now. Confused yet? I am.

Since I'm playing lots of new-old games, I've decided to jot down my first impressions of these games here. I wouldn't call these reviews, rather more like musings. Being a lazy.... err, unambitious blogger, these may only be a few lines. Okay, maybe one line. But they'll be worth it. You're welcome.

What? That's it. There are no musings yet. Now move along...

Friday, December 8, 2017

This blog is not dead! It's just resting.

I like video games. A lot. In fact, I spend a lot of time thinking about, playing, discussing, and collecting video games. Why don't I write more about them? Pure laziness (with a big dash of being a perfectionist). But I've decided to change all of that. I have a lot of thoughts, content, and other miscellany that I'll be adding here from now on. So prepare yourself. Or not. Either way, there will be more things here soon...